अप्रैल में 6th क्लास का ब्रिज कोर्स, अप्रैल में 3rd की, मई में 6th की मिलेंगी नई किताबें

NCERT 3rd and 6th Class New Books: NCERT has developed the bridge course for 6th class students for the session of 2024-2025. The bridge course will be provided to all schools in India to familiarize the students with the updated textbooks of class 6 according to the NEP 2020. Authority has prepared a bridge course which is going to be released on the official website. So all the students who have recently completed the 5th class and will get admission to the 6th class will have to study a month-long bridge course at the start of their academic session.

1-month bridge course for 6th class students

The national curriculum framework is preparing the new textbooks (NCERT 3rd and 6th Class New Books) for the students according to the provisions of National Education Policy 2020, the textbooks for classes first and second have already been prepared and started in the schools however NCF will release the textbooks for class 3rd to class 12th for the academic session of 2024 and 25. As the NCERT current syllabus 2024 of the national curriculum framework is updated and different from the older one, the council needs to familiarize all the students who have started their education with the older syllabus of NCF. So NCERT has decided to start a one-month bridge course for class 6 students who will start the study from this session. 

The 6th Class Bridge course will be released by 30 March 2024

NCERT will release the soft copy of the bridge course for class 6th students on the official website on 30 March 2024. After that, the booklet of this bridge course will be sent to all the concerned schools in April 2024. So students will start their study of the 6th Class bridge course on the first of April 2024. Once the students complete this bridge course, they will get new textbooks in their schools which are prepared according to the NEP 2020 by following the provisions of NCF.

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Training for bridge course for teachers [NCERT 3rd and 6th Class New Books]

NCERT has already conducted the teacher training for the bridge course for class 6 students. It will enable teachers to understand the purpose of launching a bridge course for class 6 students and will provide sufficient assistance to the students. Apart from this, they will also be able to convey the new curriculum of NCF for class 6 students to their parents.

Importance of bridge course in class 6

6th Class Bridge courses are prepared for short-term duration. The 6th class bridge course enables students to fill the gap between the previous course and the upcoming course. The national curriculum framework is continuously working on the preparation of new textbooks for classes 3rd to class 12th as textbooks for classes 1 and 2 have already been prepared and released. However, the new textbooks have the same education benefits but are following new patterns and new teaching methods which have been discussed in National Education Policy 2020.

So students who have recently completed class 5th with the older curriculum may face difficulties in accommodating new teaching methods and new teaching styles in the new textbooks of class 6. So this new bridge course will enable the students to familiar with new teaching methods which will be followed in the upcoming textbook in classes 6 to 12. However, once students complete the one-month bridge course, they will get new textbooks. 

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New textbooks for classes 3 to 12th

The national education policy has suggested preparing new textbooks for classes 1 to class 12th and suggested preparing a new curriculum. National curriculum framework have firstly prepared the new curriculum for class 1 to class 12th separately and after that prepared new NCERT books for class 1 and 2.

So students who have already completed class 2 in this session are already familiar with new methods and styles of textbooks so they will not need to take any bridge course in class 3. But the students who have studied in class 5th do not know the patterns of a new textbook, so they will participate in a one-month bridge course in class 6. However, the NCERT will follow the same bridge course at different levels for class 9th students and class 11th students accordingly in upcoming years.



  • Hamid

    Hamid is author at BhartiAxagi. He is writing since 2020. He is preparing for Banks exams and has keen interest in knowing Finance news and latest information.

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