US Military Pay Chart 2024, US Military Budget, Rank-wise pay grade

US Military Pay Chart 2024: The US military is one of the largest militaries in the world which surveys the nation at multiple stages including the US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard, Special Forces, United States Air Force, etc. The fighters in the US military are serving the duties according to the US military rank. If you are also working in the United States military, or going to serve in the military then you should check this article “US Military Pay Chart 2024” where we provide the US Military Pay Chart 2024, Including rank wise pay grades in the United States military and the military budget in United State for the financial year of 2024. 

US Military Pay Chart 2024

The Department of Defence of the United States Managing our military and provides the facilities and all the equipment for the Welfare of the military. The United States has already announced the budget for the financial year 2024 and decided on approximately $ 842 billion to spend on the military in this financial year. If we compare the military budget of the US from 2023 then it has increased from 26 billion dollars. It has increased by 4.57% budget for the financial year 2024 the military where the amount is spent on various factors in the US military including increment in the US military page chart for the employees. You can check your updated US Military page 2024 by visiting the official website of the Department of Defence of the United States

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Rank-wise US military Pay Chart 2024 

You can check the following table to check the US military pay chart 2024 according to your rank in the US military in different components of the Army. Since we are providing you with the basic pay scale of the employees, you will get the information according to the year of service on your particular rank. However, it should also be noted that employees will get additional benefits in their salary with the basic pay scale which have mentioned in this table.

Military members may also receive other types of pay, such as special duty pay, hazardous duty pay, and incentive pay. In addition, military members receive several other benefits, such as free housing and food, health care, and educational opportunities. If you are interested to know more about US military pay and benefits, please visit the Defense Finance and Accounting Service: website.

RankYears of serviceMonthly basic pay (USD)
O-10Over 4417,675.10
O-9Over 4016,974.90
O-8Over 3616,275.10
O-7Over 3215,635.80
O-6Over 2814,341.80
O-5Over 2412,187.50
O-4Over 208,254.82
O-3Over 166,826.10
O-2Over 124,421.37
O-1Under 23,637.26
W-5Over 286,576.09
W-4Over 245,518.94
W-3Over 204,503.20
W-2Over 163,637.26
W-1Under 23,081.63
E-9Over 386,971.03
E-8Over 265,518.94
E-7Over 204,171.03
E-6Over 143,346.95
E-5Over 82,823.95
E-4Over 42,399.66
E-3Over 22,038.59
E-2Under 21,917.63
E-1Under 41,807.18

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Calculate Rank Wise US Military Pay Chart

You can check the latest pay chart of the US military from the official website of the DOD of the United States by following the procedure which have mentioned in these bullet points:

  • Visit the official website of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) website at 
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  • You will reach the new dashboard where you have to click on the “Military Members” tab. 
  • Under the “Pay Entitlements” section, click on “Pay Tables.”
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  • Select the pay table that you want to view (e.g., Active Duty Pay).
  • The pay table will show the basic pay for each pay grade and years of service.

After that, you can download the US Military Pay Chart 2024 PDF List on your mobile phone and chat the basic pay and other allowances according to the latest update of the US military.



  • Hamid

    Hamid is author at BhartiAxagi. He is writing since 2020. He is preparing for Banks exams and has keen interest in knowing Finance news and latest information.

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